Sunday, April 17, 2022

Dorie's Potato Chip Tortilla


One hardly peruses a cookbook expecting to find recipes using potato chips, especially in a French cookbook named Around My French Table, but sometimes life is full of surprises. I think that is why I was precisely drawn to this recipe.

On a recent trip back home from New Orleans we stopped inside a gas station and I bought all manner of Zapp's potato chips in all sorts of fun flavors, such as Voodoo, Spicy Cajun Crawtators, Cajun Dill-Gator-Tators, Hotter 'N Hot Jalapeno, Voodoo Heat, and Creole Onion (pictured below). I realize that sounds like excess, but they were baby bags and we had a 13 hour ride home so naturally I thought it would make the time go by faster if we had a taste test. 

We love heat and anything spicy so, the Hotter 'N Hot Jalapeno were great and also the Voodoo Heat (which was like a spicy bbq flavor) were our favorites. Don't get me wrong, we loved them all and Zapp's may very well be my all-time favorite chip.

I did notice that the half bag of Creole Onion sat lingering in the pantry and so when I saw this recipe I figured it was meant to be!

I believe the secret to a recipe like Potato Chip Tortilla is that you DO NOT want to crush the chips to smithereens. You want to leave some big pieces (even leave some whole or at least bigger chunks). What the potato chip provides in this recipe is lots of texture. When the tortilla comes out of the oven, the chips sticking up out of the tortilla will be hot and crunchy (hence the bigger larger, more whole chips) and the crushed chips in the tortilla will be cooked in. We want all the textures here, so I do feel this is crucial to the recipe.

Also, feel free to add some cheese or whatever you like! Dorie does not call for cheese in her recipe, but I found I wanted to add some.

This is a very fun recipe and I would definitely make it again. I think it would be fun to change up the flavors by using different potato chips and different flavorings.

It would be a wonderful meal with a nice green salad or some fruit on the side. 

And may I point out how easy and economical it is...we all need to be putting recipes like this in our back pocket!


Potato Chip Tortilla

Adapted from Around My French Table

by Dorie Greenspan

Serves 4

3-1/2 ounces (half a 7oz bag) potato chips

4 large eggs

1 small onion, finely chopped, or 6 scallions, white and light green parts only, thinly sliced

1/4 cup minced fresh herbs, such as cilantro, parsley, or basil

2 garlic cloves, split, finely chopped

Pinch of piment d'Espelette or cayenne

salt and pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil

Optional: Use different flavor chips, add cheese (I added about 1/4 cup cheddar), different herbs, veggies, etc. Make it your own!

 Put the potato chips in a bowl, reach in, and crush the chips (or crush them in the bag - be sure not to crush them entirely and leave some pieces bigger).

Put the eggs, onion or scallions, herbs, garlic, and piment d'Espelette or cayenne into another bowl. Season with salt and pepper whisk to combine. Pour the eggs over the chips and stir to blend well.

You'll need a small skillet that can go under the broiler: 9 inches is about as big as it should be. I use a cast iron skillet, but a nonstick skillet is also good (if you're not sure of the handle you can cover it in foil). Position a rack under the broiler so that when you slide the skillet onto it, it will be about 5 inches from the heat source. Turn on the broiler.

Place the skillet over medium heat and pour in the olive oil. When the oil is hot, give the eggs and chips a last stir and pour them into the pan. Use a fork to push the mixture out to the edges of the pan if necessary, then turn the heat down to low. Cook the tortilla for 2 to 3 minutes, or until it is set around the edges and the top is almost done (being set is more important than the timing, so just keep watching the eggs). Remove the pan from the heat and run a spatula around the edges and under the tortilla in case it has stuck to the pan. 

Slide the pan under the broiler and cook until the top of the tortilla is set, about 1 minute. Slide the tortilla onto a serving platter or board, and serve warm or at room temperature.

The Incredible Edible Egg @ IHCC


  1. My brunch today was eggs with leftovers lingering in the fridge. You're leading me to the pantry looking for the lingering bags of chips. That opens up new possibilities for good eats. Great idea!

  2. I must have missed this recipe in Around My French Table! Definitely sounds fun...and like a good excuse for me to invest in some crazy potato chip flavors.

  3. If you're looking for non-GMO potato chip brands, try Limye Potato Chips! Our chips are made from 100% non-GMO potatoes, ensuring a delicious and natural snacking experience. We prioritize quality and transparency, so you can enjoy our crispy, golden chips with confidence. Perfect for health-conscious snackers, Limye Potato Chips deliver taste and peace of mind in every bite. Choose Limye for a non-GMO snack you can trust!


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