Last Saturday, I happened to be flipping through the channels and noticed that Food Network was hosting a breakfast and brunch theme for the day. Since I love all things breakfast and brunch related, I recorded all the episodes, even some of the shows that I don't normally watch. Last night I had some free time and I got caught up on hours and hours of every delicious breakfast food you can imagine. The one recipe that stuck with me, really stuck with me, was this
Papa Bear Oatmeal from Paula's newer show,
Paula's Best Dishes.
I wanted it right then and there and vowed to wake up and make it for breakfast this morning. Lucky for me, I had all the ingredients.
Old-Fashioned oatmeal cooked on the stove with
juicy plump raisins, poured in a bowl and doused with a little milk,
brown sugar,
sliced bananas,
blueberries, and
maple syrup. Wow! Not only is this a beautiful breakfast, it's quick, it's easy, it's healthy, and it feels extremely indulgent. I can't wait to make it again!
Serves 4
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats (not instant or quick cooking)
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 2/3 cup raisins
- 1 banana, sliced
- 1 cup sliced strawberries
- 1/2 cup heavy cream (I used 2% milk)
- Brown sugar, for serving
- Honey, for serving ( I used maple syrup)
- blueberries (optional, my addition)
In a medium saucepan, bring 3 1/2 cups water and the salt to a boil. Stir in the oats and simmer until almost thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the raisins and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more
Spoon the oatmeal into individual bowls and serve. Place the banana and strawberry slices, cream (or milk) , brown sugar, and honey or maple syrup into the oatmeal bowl. Stir if desired.
Notes/Results: I was blown away by how delicious this oatmeal really was. I couldn't believe how tasty it was and can't wait to make it again.
One of my best blogging friends,
Teresa at
A Blog About Food, tagged me in
"4 things about me". Normally I'm really bad at these tagging games. It's not that I don't want to participate, it's just that I forget. If you tagged me and I didn't respond, please don't take it personally. Chances are that I made a mental note to respond and then forgot. I'm scatterbrained like that. This year I'm going to try and do better with them.
Anyway, I lead a real exciting and riveting life (ha-ha)! Here goes:
Four shows I watch:
True Blood. Best Show Ever. Period.
Vampire Diaries. Yes, there is a theme here. Ever since I can remember, my favorite shows have always been vampire-based or mafia-based. I can't explain why, especially since I don't really like gore. Go figure.
I Survived. Okay. Has anybody else seen this show on the Biography channel? Holy cow. You just can't believe that people can survive the things they do. It's amazing, and scary, and unnerving. Sometimes I have to make myself watch it. You know, just in case.
Hawaii Five-O. Two words ladies. EYE CANDY! I first started watching Hawaii Five-O because of Alex O'Loughlin. I loved him in the vampire series Moonlight, but it was canceled. When I heard he would be in the new Hawaii Five-O I had to watch it. Alex O'Loughlin is gorgeous. Completely and totally drop dead gorgeous. I think he's just about the most handsome man ever. Did I say EVER?
The eyes.
The million dollar smile.
Like I said. His eyes. His smile ;-)
During the course of the show, I've also developed quite an infatuation for Scott Caan. Normally I like men with dark hair and dark eyes, but Scott Caan. I don't know. There is just something about him that I find very appealing. You can tell he's a little bit of a bad boy. A little mischievous. A little bit of a smart ass. A little bit of trouble. A whole lotta fun. Not to mention, his Dad is James Caan, who played Sonny Corleone in the mafia epic, Godfather. What's not to like about that?
At any rate, Hawaii Five-O is a great show, with lots of eye candy. I don't miss a single episode. You shouldn't either. The way I see it, men have way too much eye candy all the time. We ladies deserve some too!
Four Things I'm passionate about:
Cooking. I spend most of my time doing it, reading about it, thinking about it, and even dreaming about it.
Books. Books have got to be the best things ever. Each book is like a brand new adventure. No Kindle for me though. I have to hold the book, it's part of the beauty for me.
Laughing. I love to laugh. Chuckling, big laughs, belly laughs, laughing so-hard-you-need-to-cross-your-legs, laughing until you cry, laughing until your temples ache, laughing until you fall on the floor, and of course, laughing until you snort. Good times!
Traveling. It really doesn't matter where to. I just like to see different places and meet new people. I could have a fantastic time in Boise, Idaho or Paris, France. Every place has something unique to offer.
Four phrases I use a lot:
Brush your teeth/hair! Or, my personal favorite
"Groom yourself." (Mainly for the benefit of my 9 year old daughter).
Shut the door.
You're letting all the cold air in. (Again, for the benefit of my 9 year old).
Quit fighting. (As an only child I really don't understand all the sibling fights).
Put your clothing on. (My son is going through a phase right now).
Four things I've learned in the past:
Raising children is an extremely challenging job. Just when you think you get the hang of it.....someone comes and pulls the rug out from under you.
All you need in life is one good friend. One good friend can make all the difference.
You have to learn how to adjust. When I was younger, my Grandpa would always tell me that the key to life was "learning how to adjust". I never knew what the heck he was talking about, but now I get it. Life is full of changes and you have to learn how to adjust in order to hang in there.
Always remember who you are and where you come from. I mean this in the deepest sense possible. Don't let anything get in the way of being who you are.
Four places I'd like to go:
Ocean City, Maryland. We went there every year when I was growing up and I haven't been there in about 15 years. I'd love to go back, see some old family friends, and take the kids. Spend the days the beach. Spend the nights on the boardwalk. Smell the fresh salty air.
New Orleans, Louisiana. I've never been there, but I have a deep romance for it. The culture, the food, the drinks, the architecture, the wildlife, the gardens, the people. I have to get there one day. That will be a trip made either with my friends, my Mom, or my husband. The kids.....not going!
San Antonio, Texas. I'd like to spend some time on the Riverwalk. Most of all, I'd just like to see the area, eat some good Tex-Mex, and drink lots of tasty Margaritas. Preferably alone with my husband.
Alaska. My Dad was in the Army at the height of the Vietnam War. He thought for sure that he was going to Saigon. When his orders came, he was surprised to find that he was being sent to Fairbanks, Alaska. Thank God my Dad never had to go war in Vietnam. Instead, he spent two years with the Army up in Fairbanks, Alaska doing maneuvers and practicing survival skills. Ever since I can remember, he has loved sharing stories about his time in Fairbanks, Alaska. You can just hear the passion for Alaska in his stories. I know he'd love the chance to go there again and I'd love to go with him.
Four things I did yesterday:
1. Burnt and blistered my lip on Dorie Greenspan's Potato-Leek soup. Apparently that new Dutch oven really keeps the food
steaming hot.
Dorie's Potato-Leek Soup with Crouton for FFwD |
2. Talked to my best friend on the phone for 2 hours.
3. Shampooed, mopped, and vacuumed the downstairs carpet and floors.
4. Enjoyed several hours of quiet time while my husband took the kids to his Mom's house.
Four things I love about winter:
1. Snow. I'm crazy about snow. I think it's magically beautiful.
Peace and Quiet. I love that no one is knocking on the door and the phone isn't ringing off the hook. It seems like everything quiets down in the winter.
Being cozy and snuggling up in PJ's with blankets, slippers, etc. It's the best!
Relaxing and staying in. The rest of the year is a mad dash, but wintertime is relaxing and lazy with lots of time for movies, cooking, etc.
I'm supposed to tag 4 people, but I'm no good at picking and choosing. If you'd like to play along, feel free to.
In the meantime, I'm running out to the store for more oatmeal so that I can have some
Papa Bear Oatmeal in the morning! I can't get enough of it!