Sunday, May 29, 2016

Watermelon with Fresh Mint and Lime

There are three things synonymous with the start of summer: the last day of school, Memorial Day weekend, and slicing into the first watermelon of the season.

To me watermelon is the hallmark of summer, and there is something about slicing into that first one of the season. It takes me back to those glorious summer days as a kid, not a care in the world, watermelon in hand with juice dripping down my chin, onto my arms, and finally onto my hands. A sticky but glorious mess. Now my kids do the same thing. I could buy all the popsicles and ice cream in the world, but it's the watermelon they go crazy for.

Celebrate summer with watermelon.  Why make things harder on yourself by making all the traditional sides for your summer cookout? Leave the stove off, fire up the grill, and grab a watermelon. Get a few platters.  Slice up some watermelon for the kids on one. Slice up some more for the adults on another. Garnish the adult watermelon like this, with a fresh mint and lime syrup, and enjoy.  It's economical, it's easy, and it's much healthier than most of the traditional cookout sides. We loved it!

Watermelon with Fresh Mint and Lime
Adapted from Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone
Serves 6

1/3 cup sugar
grated zest and juice of 1 lime
1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh mint leaves
1/2 large oval watermelon

Stir the sugar, 2 tablespoons water, the lime zest, and 1-1/2 tablespoons of the lime juice together in a small heavy saucepan over high heat until the sugar dissolves and the syrup comes to a boil. Let the syrup cool completely and then refrigerate it until cold.

Strain the chilled syrup into a small bowl and stir in the mint (this seems like a fussy step to me so I didn't strain). Allow the mint to infuse into the syrup for at least 5 minutes. 

Place the watermelon, cut side down, on a work surface. Using a large sharp knife, cut the watermelon horizontally to form a 2-inch-thick slab. (Reserve the remaining watermelon for another use). Trim away the rind, and then cut the slab into 2-inch chunks. Transfer the watermelon chunks to a large serving platter, keeping the chunks in a single layer and maintaining the shape of the slab. Pour the cold syrup over the watermelon, and serve.

Theme: May Potluck!


  1. That looks incredibly refreshing. It's perfect hot weather food.

  2. You are so right, nothing days Summer is Here like a watermelon. We are on our second one for the season. They are so juicy and healthy and I can eat soooo much! Love the Curtis Stone take on this side. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day!

  3. That watermelon looks so good and juicy. I have recently started buying watermelon and my son has been devouring it. I think I am going to buy one to cut up for the potluck at my son's school for the last day.

  4. Super refreshing on a hot day, and I wouldn't have thought to add mint leaves, but as that's so good on our local fresh pineapple, it makes total sense. And with the lime syrup, wow!

  5. Yum!!! This is a wonderful way to enjoy watermelon.Love, love it! This would make a great summer dessert. You could take the leftover and crush this into a glass with plenty of ice and some rum.

    Happy almost summer.


  6. We just finished our first watermelon of the season. I like the way the watermelon is cut into big chunks with the syrup. So good looking. Happy summer!

  7. So simple and so good--nothing beats watermelon on a hot day and I love the cooling touches of the lime and mint. Yum!

    (So, since this is the 'adult' one, can I dump some vodka on it too?!? It has me thinking "mojito!") ;-)

  8. Oh this looks so refreshing, I plan this for the real summer in Bermany

  9. We love watermelon and have been enjoying it for the past few weeks. I have made this before and it was really refreshing with the mint leaves. Love it!

  10. Yep. Watermelon + summer = perfect. We have had a couple and now waiting for the ones in the garden to ripen.


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